3 Simple Steps
Explore the lists
We’ll help you discover books you didn’t even know you needed to read. You tell us what you’re interested in, and we provide lists of books we think you’ll enjoy.
Interested in mysteries? There’s a list for that!
Personal development? There’s a list for that!
History? Romance? True crime? You guessed it… There’s a list for that!
Join a Community
Once you explore the lists and choose your next book, you can either join an existing Community or create your own!
Communities are like book clubs! Think of a Community as a place where you and others reading the same book can come together to read & discuss, on your own time.
THE BEST PART: You can join a Community (or 5) at anytime!
Read & connect!
With your new book in hand & your first Community joined, there’s only one thing left to do: Dive in!
Read at your own pace, or keep with the pace of your Community – you decide! As the pages turn, chapter-by-chapter discussion allows you to connect with other readers who are also currently picking their jaws up off the floor at what just happened.
THE BEST PART: No spoilers!
Yep, you read that right! As avid bookworms ourselves, we know the stumbling-on-a-spoiler-gut-punch allll too well, and we simply won’t stand for it. So, anti-spoiler tech? Consider it done! 😎
Become an Early-Access Member!
Getting early-access is as simple as typing your email in that little box below. Oh, and did we mention that as an Early-Access member, YOU get to tell us what future features you want most?! We can’t wait to meet you!